The Technical Research Bulletin publishes the resultsof collaborative work by the British Museum's curators,conservators and scientists covering a broad range of objects andmaterials from across the Museum’s collection.
Published once a year, each issue aims to encompass objects fromdifferent continents, historical periods and material types. TheBulletin is designed to appeal both to those with ageneral interest in the Museum’s collections and those with aspecialist interest who wish to broaden their horizons.
Volume 1
Examines some of the different material aspects of objects inthe Museum collection.
Read Volume 1Volume 2
Detailing the assessment, examination, treatment and analysis ofobjects from across the Museum’s collections and beyond.
Read Volume2Volume 3
Shedding light on cultures from the ancient civilisations of theworld.
Read Volume3Volume 4
Papers on exploring the evidence for cultural transmission andtrade to questions of object attribution and authenticity.
Read Volume4Volume 5
Articles reflecting the chronological depth and geographicalbreadth of the British Museum collection.
Read Volume 5
And see Open Access Publications from the British MuseumVolume 6
Available now in hard copy and online in Autumn 2013:
- The fall and rise of a Roman statue: the Kew GardensHermes
- The Norwich shroud: conservation and investigation of a rareEighteenth Dynasty shroud
- A radioactive shamanic apron with glass disease
- Hidden, looted, saved: the scientific research and conservationof a group of Begram ivories from the National Museum ofAfghanistan
- Hidden history?: examination of two patches on John White’s mapof ‘Virginia’
- An economic history of the post-Medieval world in 50 ingots:the British Museum collection of ingots from dated wrecks
- Identification of hairs and fibres in Great Lakes objects fromthe eighteenth and nineteenth centuries using variable pressurescanning electron microscopy
- Investigating and interpreting an early-to-mid sixth-centuryFrankish style helmet
- Archaeobotanical research in a pharaonic town in ancientNubia
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
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