26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Open Access Journal: Histara

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[Originally posted in AWOL 1/25/10. Updated 25 November 2012]

Histara-les comptes rendus: histoire de l'art, histoire des répresentations et archéologie
Histara-les comptes rendus publishes scientific reviews of books in the fields of Archaeology, Art History and related subjects (such as Aesthetics, Archaeometry, …) in German, English, French and Italian.

New fonction: the Histara archives !
Histara-les comptes rendus offers you a new function: our website now possesses an archive section for reviews already published in specialized journals. Thanks to the kind permission of the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), the Revue Archéologique reviews of 1903, 1904, 1905 and 1906 are available on line and the integration of the rest of the Revue Archéologique reviews up to year 2000 is in process.

Take part in in Histara :
  • Consult the book reviews on-line
  • Sign up / Subscribe to the Newsletter and receive the book reviews by e-mail
  • Announce your publications for free and make them available for review
  • Consult the list of received books and eventually submit a review
  • Consult the Instructions and the animated demos (available only in French)
  • Inform other people about this web-site by e-mail
Selected criteria: The last reviews - Antiquity
Bordron, Jean-François: L’iconicité et ses images, 216 pages, 25,00 €, ISBN : 978-2-13-058485-8 (Collection "Formes sémiotiques"; N° d’édition : 1)
(Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2011)
Read the book review by Chrystel Lupant, Université de Provence (published: 2012-10-23)
Momigliano, Nicoletta : Bronze age Carian Iasos. Structures and finds from the area of the Roman agora (ca. 3000-1500 bC), pp. XVI-226 di testo 168 Tavole b/n fuori testo VIII Tavole a colori fuori testo, Archaeologica 166, Missione Archeologica di Iasos 4, ISBN: 978-88-7689-267-7, Prezzo: Euro 100,00
(Giorgio Bretschneider Editore, Roma 2012)
Read the book review by Nicola Cucuzza, Università degli studi di Genova (published: 2012-10-29)
Pichot, Adeline: Les édifices de spectacle des Maurétanies romaines, 220 p., 108 fig., 8 tableaux, ISBN : 978-2-35518-026-2, 41 €
(Monique Mergoil 2012)
Read the book review by Eloïse Letellier, Ecole normale supérieure, Paris (published: 2012-10-24)
Pochmarski, Erwin (unter Mitarbeit von M. Pochmarski-Nagele und B. Porod): Die Porträtmedaillons und Porträtnischen des Stadtgebietes von Flavia Solva, CSIR Österreich IV 2, 127 Seiten, 125 Abbildungen auf 53 Tafeln, ISBN 978-3-7001-6954-3, € 63
(Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2011)
Read the book review by Iphigeneia Leventi, University of Thessaly (published: 2012-10-19)
Robert-Boissier, Béatrice: Pompéi : les doubles vies de la cité du Vésuve. 16 x 24 cm, 336 pages + 16 pages couleur, ISBN : 978-2-7298-6635-8, 24 €
(Ellipses, Paris 2011)
Read the book review by Claire Leger, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier (published: 2012-10-25)
Weber, Gregor (Hg.): Alexandreia und das ptolemäische Ägypten. Kulturbegegnungen in hellenistischer Zeit. 232 Seiten Gebunden, mit Fadenheftung, ISBN: 978-3-938032-37-4, € 49,90
(Verlag Antike, Berlin 2010)
Read the book review by Elena Calandra, Ministero Beni Culturali, Roma (published: 2012-10-29)

 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

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