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Ostia: Harbour City of Ancient Rome
This website is dedicated to Ostia, the harbour city of ancient Rome. Here you will find information for professional archaeologists and historians, for students of Roman archaeology and history, and for interested lay-people.
Archaeological news(23-Sep-2012)
New on the website(23-Sep-2012)
[Our movies]
Computer reconstruction of Ostia
Museum and ruins merged
Footage of the excavations in 1939
Movie of Portus (the harbour district)
[Other movies]
[Getting started]
Visiting the ruins
Introduction to Ostia
Ostia - A Mediterranean port
Ostia seen from the sky
The excavations
[The archaeological remains]
Topographical dictionary
(descriptions of all buildings; topics)
Portus (the harbour district)
The necropolis of Portus
Virtual museum
Plans, reconstructions, engravings
[Ancient written sources]
Full-text books and articles
Excavations, colloquia, researchers
Ostia related links
Facebook group, contact
Presentation of the website (video)
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