25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi

OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System

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OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System
At the end of 2000 steps were taken to initiate a digitalization project of the Oslo papyrus collection. The project was named OPES (Oslo Papyri Electronic System) and its aims were first 1) to make all the published papyri (around 280 out of a total of 2272) available, catalogued and imaged, on the www, then 2) to catalogue and image the rest of the papyri, making the catalogue available on the web and keeping the images in a separate database that users may access on demand. Due to the international character of papyrological study and research, English was chosen as the language of the project. The project has benefited greatly from the collaboration with the APIS project, whose the late project director Traianos Gagos generously let us use the Michigan FileMaker Pro template for cataloguing and registration of data. A further aim is to scan and make accessible the collection´s inventory list made by the late professor Leiv Amundsen. So far only a few have been scanned and a password is required to access them. 
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Coming Soon: Birmingham Egyptology Journal

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Birmingham Egyptology Journal
Birmingham Egyptology Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal available only on-
line and free of charge.

The journal offers a platform for the presentation of research relating to ancient Egyptian culture, history, and archaeology from the Pre-dynastic to Graeco-Roman Periods.The Journal is to be officially launched on March 14 2013 with the first articles being published on-line in September. Further information for prospective contributors to the Journal is available from the drop-down menu of the ‘Journal’ head on this page.
Call for papers
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Digital Mishnah Update

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Digital Mishnah

About this demo

The Digital Mishnah Project will provide users with a database of digitized manuscripts of the Mishnah from around the world, along with tools for collation, comparison, and analysis. This demo provides fully marked up transcriptions of twenty-two witnesses to a sample chapter, Bava Metsia ch 2, and illustrates basic functionalities. In a number of cases, the witnesses available for browse expand beyond the sample chapter to include all of Bava Qamma, Bava Metsi'a, and Bava Batra.

The browse function presents metadata and a rendering of the transcription that which can be viewed with their metadata and approximately as laid out in the original text.

The collate function allows for the detailed comparison of witnesses. At its core it runs a set of texts through CollateX, which aligns matching words ("tokens"). The Digital Mishnah site remerges this output with the original textual data and represents the results both as an alignment table, and as a text with critical apparatus. The user can determine the passage, the witnesses, and the order. Because we anticipate that a number of users will prefer a parallel-column ("synoptic") presentation, the collate page shows an arrangement of the selected passage arranged in parallel columns by witness in the user-specified order.
News on the New Version of Digital Mishnah Demo

Musician Fashion Accessories: A Person's Infinity Scarf

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fashion accessories

If perhaps you are at least one of those guys who tend on the way to drape themselves doing accessories, stop and as a result think about how many you are really actually wearing. A small number of select designer style and fashion accessories are effortlessly okay. But if customers have more as opposed to a few, you need to take a few trimmings off.

All of the fashion industry gets been always recognised for changing model trends and creating new lifestyle drawings. When looking for their supplier you obviously look for a definite wholesaler who has the potential to offer you my hottest trends in view that well as a classic jewelry, the wholesale supplier or even distributor that will observe up a market research and seasons trends in go to the blogger who wrote it here.

Personally, I like - buy them from online store. That basically because there are typically offer affordable as well as the discount eyeglasses. Besides, these products are various living in many styles. Thanks so that you the bloom relating to optical industry, a lot and more via the internet eyeglasses, sunglasses in fashionable styles delivery to customers by a low price level. This kind of brings great benefit to people who really have fewer amounts of money.

You see, the fashion accessories that typically contain all related to the fashionable articles like fashionable shoes, handbags, jewelry and consequently also some dressy outfits are knowledgeable to create their elegance effect in overall fashion policy for both men and girls. The most of of the in vogue accessories comprise behind all those items that enhance your current visual effects so as to an look or perhaps a dressing. The fashion essentials are often located in quite too expensive materials like silver gold, diamond maybe even platinum.

The duct tape ties is one of the most customized fashion accessories described to man. While duct tape itself is really considered cliche at high brow sorts, the difficulty along with creating any point out of duct tape that typically is more involved than a book ticker lends itself to help relative uniqueness. The short man from Arizona knew this notion very well. Carefully, my son crafted a duct tape necktie, writing nearly as love into everything as he has into his another duct tape efforts. when his duct video tape tie was complete, he knew equally what to do. She or he gave it at a distance.

Sunlight are especially recognized these days no longer only because of their style but also because involved with their protective consists of. Too much of the very sun's UV rays can damage a eyes. For this reason, many people maintain grown fond of a sunglasses and at last have started in order to use them not always only for one particular purpose of sheltering their eyes compared to the sun but for fashion employs as well. The main sunglasses trend as well as extends to some who need visual appeal aid as glasses can also become with corrective makes use of as well. Due to their high demand, different brands among sunglasses are at the moment available in each of our worldwide market.

The actual custom dog tags have gone younger than a lot including change from your humble beginning. There features been a masse of change in the world associated with promotional dog tag that have clearly become the hot-favorite in the fashion world. If you want to really go through the choices that is offered with many of most the companies just that offer these wonderful custom dog tags, you can look at the Dogtag-Depot(dot)com to assist you to buy one to receive yourself or because of gifting.

Over time you nicely notice that they have collected distinct Wii games or accessories. You can buy the actual number of is short for that can help you out in organizing a wide selection of of the ribbons that you end up getting. This comes with both the Wii and all including the controllers such as the Manufacturers Wii Classic Operator that you have got to go featuring it.

Horse tail clips released of leather have always been specially prized through the process of young girls. It is now very fashionable that will help attach leather cuffs to your sensible new blouse or even a shirt. Or possibly a you could barely attach a cuff to a shirt and suddenly the problem is transformed caused from a staid office jacket to two which stands out in a rest.

Zimbabwe's NoViolet Bulawayo wins Caine writing prize

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Source: BBC News, 12 July 2011
NoViolet Bulawayo was born and raised in Zimbabwe and studied in the US
Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo has won this year's Caine Prize for African Writing, regarded as Africa's leading literary award.

The £10,000 ($16,000) prize was given for her story Hitting Budapest about hungry children from a shantytown who steal guavas from an upmarket suburb.

Full article

24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

Eridanos: Bibliography of Polish Research on Antiquity and Antique Tradition

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Eridanos: Bibliografia Polskich Badań nad Antykiem i Tradycją Antyczną - Bibliography of Polish Research on Antiquity and Antique Tradition
The Eridanos is created to provide an open bibliographic database for general use.The main aim is to cover all books and articles written, edited, translated by Polish scholars or published in Poland by foreign authors that dealwith ancient history and the reception of ancient cultures.Popular publications, novels, fictions, stories are also included ifthey are connected with ancient world or if they exploite motifs of ancient descent.The Eridanos is to give means to collect a comprehensive list of works on a given matter.It is important to notice, that the database is not to replace historians’ search– it is to help them in their work. It is to serve everyone who is interested in ancient history or reception of ancient cultures.

Chronological borders are still matter of a discussion,but the Eridanos gives an opportunity to include archaeological works and publications on Byzantium as well.

The creators hope that in future the Eridanos (as an independent server)will be enriched by electronic publications and a discussion forum.

Open Access Journal: Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis

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Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis - BHAUT
ISSN: 1453-7419
The scientific journal Bibliotheca Historica et Archaeologica Universitatis Timisiensis (BHAUT) is an annual publication of the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, which firstly appeared in 1997. After the establishment of the Center for the Study of History and Archaeology "Constantin Daicoviciu” of the West University of TimiÅŸoara, BHAUT became the Center’s publication. Over the years, the scientific work of the Centre has led to the exploration of lesser-known and so far lesser analyzed areas, such as important historic events, ancient economic history, archaeology, interdisciplinary relations, informatics-archaeology, politico-military history, etc. Paper works published in BHAUT represent acts of several national and international scientific conferences held annually at our headquarters. The journal brings together in its pages Romanian or foreigner experts, being regarded as a modern journal through its structure and documentary information. Since 1997, XII volumes of studies, notes, reviews, and an annual chronic of the Centre for Studies of History and Archaeology appeared in the BHAUT collection. The volumes are written in Romanian, German, English and French, at the option of the authors.

The most recent volumes have abstracts only

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: SCRIPTA: International Journal of Writing Systems

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SCRIPTA: International Journal of Writing Systems
ISSN: 2092-7215
SCRIPTA, the official journal of the Hunmin jeongeum Society, is a refereed journal published annually in September. SCRIPTA welcomes submissions from scholars of various disciplines whose work especially pertains to writing systems. Submissions should not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere.
Scripta Volume 1, Sepember 2009 Reflections on the Invention of the Hunmin jeongeum [pdf] Ki-Moon Lee 'Hind Leg' + 'Fish': Towards Further Understanding of the Indus Script [pdf] Asko Parpola Some Remarks on Hankul Transcriptions of Middle Japanese [pdf] J. Marshall Unger Towards a Comparative Study of Sinographic Writing Strategies in Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese [pdf] Zev Handel Writing Chinese in Tibetan: On the Alternatives for an Wutun Orthography [pdf] Juha A. Janhunen Tokens and Writing: The Cognitive Development [pdf]  Denise Schmandt-Besserat  Scripta Volume 2, Sepember 2010 The Korean Writing System in the World of the 21st Century [pdf]  S. Robert Ramsey A Survey of the History of Hunmin jeongeum Research [pdf] Hyeon‐hie Lee Toward an International Vocabulary for Research on Vernacular Readings of Chinese Texts (漢文訓讀 Hanwen Xundu) [pdf] John Whitman, Miyoung Oh, Jinho Park, Valerio Luigi Alberizzi, Masayuki Tsukimoto, Teiji Kosukegawa, Tomokazu Takada An Examination of Chinese Character Transcriptions of Jurchen and Manchu Personal Names as Reflected in the Annals of the Choson Dynasty [pdf] Juwon Kim Numerical Signs: The Sumerian and Chinese Cases [pdf] Yushu Gong On the Reconstruction of the Fragmented Documents Excavated from Seokga Pagoda 釋迦塔 [pdf] SeungJae Lee Scripta Volume 3, Sepember 2011 Hunmin jeongeum: Dissemination Policy and Education [pdf] Paek Doohyeon Ancient Indian and Chinese Models of Sound Classification and their Reflections in the Writing Systems [pdf] Song Ki-Joong The Development of Japanese Kana [pdf] Tsukimoto Masayuki Sino-Japanese Hybrids between Writing Systems: Wakan KonkÅ�bun Seen through Grammatology [pdf] Valerio Luigi Alberizzi The Ubiquity of the Gloss [pdf] John Whitman Styles of Decipherment: Thomas Young, Jean-François Champollion and the Decipherment of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs [pdf] Andrew Robinson Indus Script: A Study of its Sign Design [pdf] Nisha Yadav and M. N. Vahia
Scripta Volume 4, Sepember 2012
Tokens in China, Europe and Africa – The Significance [pdf] Denise SCHMANDT-BESSERAT Tongguk chÅ�ngun and the Phonological System of Middle Korean [pdf] Fukui Rei On the Old Korean Numerals Inscribed on Wooden Tablet no. 318 [pdf] Lee SeungJae Aspects of Writing Manchu in Hangeul in Joseon Dynasty [pdf] KO Dongho Describing Old Japanese Kanji Usage: The Inadequacy of Traditional Terminology [pdf] J. Marshall Unger Khitan: Understanding the Language Behind the Scripts [pdf] Juha A. Janhunen Religion, Art and Literacy: Three Critical Devices for the Legitimation of King Darius’s Kingship [pdf] Bae Chul-Hyun
 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Thraco-Dacica

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Apărută în peisajul literaturii de specialitate în anul 1976, odată cu publicarea unora dintre contribuţiile prezentate la de-al II-lea Congres Internaţional de Tracologie (Bucureşti, 4-10 septembrie 1976), revista Thraco-Dacica şi-a câştigat un binemeritat prestigiu între publicaţiile periodice europene care se ocupă cu istoria, arheologia, studiul limbilor, paleozoologia, antropologia, etnografia spaţiului locuit cândva de marele neam al tracilor.

În demersul lor ştiinţific cei care au publicat de-a lungul anilor în revistă, personalităţi de marcă, specialişti consacraţi sau tineri, care au bătut la poarta afirmării, din România, Europa (Bulgaria, Croaţia, Serbia, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Slovenia, Grecia, Turcia, Moldova, Ucraina, Rusia, Polonia, Ungaria, Slovacia, Cehia, Germania, Franţa, Austria) şi de dincolo de ocean (America de Nord şi de Sud), s-au ocupat atât de civilizaţia tracică şi geto-dacică, dar şi de substratul acesteia şi de moştenirea lăsată actualelor popoare din regiunea de sud-est a bătrânului continent.

Acest aspect, precum şi faptul că multe din articole au fost publicate în limbi de circulaţie, fără a se neglija însă şi limba română, a făcut ca revista Thraco-Dacica să devină un instrument ştiinţific valoros, care a pătruns în toate bibliotecile de prestigiu ale universităţilor şi institutelor de cercetare din întreaga Lume.
The most recent volume has full text - the earlier ones have abstracts only
Sumar nr. XV (1994)
Sumar nr. XVI (1995)
Sumar nr. XVII (1996)
Sumar nr. XVIII (1997)
Sumar nr. XIX (1998)
Sumar nr. XX (1999)
Sumar nr. XXI (2000)
Sumar nr. XXII (2001)
Sumar nr. XXIII (2002)
Sumar nr. I (XXIV) (2009)
Sumar nr. II-III (XXV-XXVI) (2010-2011)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Zimbabwe's NoViolet Bulawayo wins Caine writing prize

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Source: BBC News, 12 July 2011
NoViolet Bulawayo was born and raised in Zimbabwe and studied in the US
Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo has won this year's Caine Prize for African Writing, regarded as Africa's leading literary award.

The £10,000 ($16,000) prize was given for her story Hitting Budapest about hungry children from a shantytown who steal guavas from an upmarket suburb.

Full article

23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Open Access Journal: Studies in the Bible and Antiquity

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 [First posted in AWOL 11 May 2011. Updated 23 February 2013]

Studies in the Bible and Antiquity
ISSN 2151-7800
Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University. 
Studies in the Bible and Antiquity is apeer-reviewed publication dedicated to promoting understanding of the history,meaning, and significance of the Bible and other ancient texts An article mustpresent a clear, original thesis or key proposition that sheds new light onthese texts.
  • Volume 4 (2012)
  • Volume 3 (2011)
  • Volume 2 (2010)
  • Volume 1 (2009)
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Musician Fashion Accessories: A Person's Infinity Scarf

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fashion accessories

If perhaps you are at least one of those guys who tend on the way to drape themselves doing accessories, stop and as a result think about how many you are really actually wearing. A small number of select designer style and fashion accessories are effortlessly okay. But if customers have more as opposed to a few, you need to take a few trimmings off.

All of the fashion industry gets been always recognised for changing model trends and creating new lifestyle drawings. When looking for their supplier you obviously look for a definite wholesaler who has the potential to offer you my hottest trends in view that well as a classic jewelry, the wholesale supplier or even distributor that will observe up a market research and seasons trends in go to the blogger who wrote it here.

Personally, I like - buy them from online store. That basically because there are typically offer affordable as well as the discount eyeglasses. Besides, these products are various living in many styles. Thanks so that you the bloom relating to optical industry, a lot and more via the internet eyeglasses, sunglasses in fashionable styles delivery to customers by a low price level. This kind of brings great benefit to people who really have fewer amounts of money.

You see, the fashion accessories that typically contain all related to the fashionable articles like fashionable shoes, handbags, jewelry and consequently also some dressy outfits are knowledgeable to create their elegance effect in overall fashion policy for both men and girls. The most of of the in vogue accessories comprise behind all those items that enhance your current visual effects so as to an look or perhaps a dressing. The fashion essentials are often located in quite too expensive materials like silver gold, diamond maybe even platinum.

The duct tape ties is one of the most customized fashion accessories described to man. While duct tape itself is really considered cliche at high brow sorts, the difficulty along with creating any point out of duct tape that typically is more involved than a book ticker lends itself to help relative uniqueness. The short man from Arizona knew this notion very well. Carefully, my son crafted a duct tape necktie, writing nearly as love into everything as he has into his another duct tape efforts. when his duct video tape tie was complete, he knew equally what to do. She or he gave it at a distance.

Sunlight are especially recognized these days no longer only because of their style but also because involved with their protective consists of. Too much of the very sun's UV rays can damage a eyes. For this reason, many people maintain grown fond of a sunglasses and at last have started in order to use them not always only for one particular purpose of sheltering their eyes compared to the sun but for fashion employs as well. The main sunglasses trend as well as extends to some who need visual appeal aid as glasses can also become with corrective makes use of as well. Due to their high demand, different brands among sunglasses are at the moment available in each of our worldwide market.

The actual custom dog tags have gone younger than a lot including change from your humble beginning. There features been a masse of change in the world associated with promotional dog tag that have clearly become the hot-favorite in the fashion world. If you want to really go through the choices that is offered with many of most the companies just that offer these wonderful custom dog tags, you can look at the Dogtag-Depot(dot)com to assist you to buy one to receive yourself or because of gifting.

Over time you nicely notice that they have collected distinct Wii games or accessories. You can buy the actual number of is short for that can help you out in organizing a wide selection of of the ribbons that you end up getting. This comes with both the Wii and all including the controllers such as the Manufacturers Wii Classic Operator that you have got to go featuring it.

Horse tail clips released of leather have always been specially prized through the process of young girls. It is now very fashionable that will help attach leather cuffs to your sensible new blouse or even a shirt. Or possibly a you could barely attach a cuff to a shirt and suddenly the problem is transformed caused from a staid office jacket to two which stands out in a rest.

An A - W of video collections : from Architecture to Women's Studies

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Alexander Street Press video collections

CSU Library has completed the acquisition of a major resource which consists of 23 separate streaming-video collections, covering a huge range of subjects from Criminal Justice to Education, from Business & Economics to Health & Society, from Art & Architecture to Women's & Gender Studies.

You can access these collections from the Journal Databases webpage, where they are listed under title and also under the relevant subject heading(s). You can search and browse for video material. Transcripts, and tools to assist with using the videos for educational purposes, are also available.

These collections are also available in a single resource known as Academic Video Online, also called Alexander Street Video, where you can see all the collections in a single list, and make a choice from the list.

Dental Education in Video

The Library is currently running a trial of another education and training video collection - Dental Education in Video, also provided by Alexander Street Press. We have decided to purchase this collection, which will increase the number of Alexander Street Press video collections to 24.

Have you applied for your CSU card yet?

To contact us Click HERE

Your CSU card allows you to:
  • Borrow from the library's extensive collection of resources
  • Take advantage of the library's FREE book postage service (DE students only)
  • Access our book chapter photocopy service
  • Borrow books from university libraries near you through reciprocal borrowing schemes

For more information about your CSU Card, see the Obtaining your CSU Card webpage.

Library Scavenger Hunt - 15th February to 17th March

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Wondering what I'm all about?
Keep reading here and you'll find out -
It's true, I'm something of a stunt:
A mascot for our Scavenger Hunt.

 On our website look for me -
I'll take you all around the Library.
Just follow me around the pages -
An online tour that goes in stages.

A Scavenger Hunt to make you wise,
And you might even win a prize!
A game for those of any age -
To start, go to the Library home page.

The Library's online Scavenger Hunt commences today - Friday 15 February. It will run before, during, and after, O Week 2013.

The start is at the Library homepage, and the end is at ... well, you will have to find out.

Look for the Gadgetman icon on various webpages, and follow the clues  - all the clues are in verse -to take a tour of the Library website. It's a fun way to learn about Library resources.

The Scavenger Hunt runs until Sunday 17 March. If you submit your entry as instructed in the final clue, you will go in the draw to win one of several AU$20 iTunes vouchers.

22 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Open Access Journal: Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell'Università di Lecce - Settore Storico-Archeologico

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Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell'Università di Lecce - Settore Storico-Archeologico


N. 11:  Studi di Antichità 11


N. 10:  Studi di Antichità 10


N. 8:  Vasi di bronzo in area Apula. Produzioni greche ed italiche di età arcaica e classica

N. 8,2:  Studi di Antichità 8,2

N. 9:  Studi di Antichità 9


N. 8,1:  Studi di Antichità 8,1


N. 7:  Studi di Antichità 7


N. 6:  Studi di Antichità 6

N. 4:  The matt-painted pottery of southern Italy


N. 5:  Studi di Antichità 5


N. 4:  Studi di Antichità 4

N. 3:  Studi di Antichità 3


N. 2:  Studi di Antichità 2


N. 2:  Cavallino

N. 1:  Salento Arcaico

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Serial: Gli Album del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università degli Studi di Lecce

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Gli Album del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università degli Studi di Lecce



N. 5:  Il ritorno di Cornelio Gallo : Il papiro di Qasr Ibrîm venticinque anni dopo


N. 4:  The Bologna and Lecce Universities Joint Archaeological Mission in Egypt: Ten Years of Excavations at Bakchias (1993-2002)


N. 3:  Dieci anni di Papirologia a Lecce. Il Centro di Studi Papirologici dal 1992 al 2002


N. 1:  The Restoration of Egyptian and Greek Papyri Housed in Cairo Egyptian Museum (1997-2000)

N. 2:  Archeologia e Papiri

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation Digital Library

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[First published in AWOL 3/27/09. Most recenty updated 2/19/2013]

Since 1997, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has produced each year a volume devoted to a single archaeological museum, aiming to create a series whose scholarly prestige and aesthetic approach contribute to a deeper knowledge and further understanding of the various aspects of the history of Greek civilisation. These volumes are distributed free of charge to those who are on the foundation's mailing list, and to others who request them.

The foundation also issues them in open access digital format. The volume on Samos: The archaeological museums is the most recent to appear. Fourteen volumes are now available:
  • Aravantinos, Vassilios. Τhe Archaeological Museum of Thebes [Thebes in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/541138/]
  • Colonia, Rosina. The Archaeological Museum of Delphi [Delphi in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/540726]
  • Dimopoulou - Rethemiotaki, Nota. The Archaeological Museum of Herakleion [Herakleion in Pleiadeshttp://pleiades.stoa.org/places/589802]
  • Fotopoulos, Dionissis; Delivorrias, Angelos. Greece at the Benaki Museum
  • Grammenos, D.V. The Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki
  • Hadjidakis, P. J. Delos [Delos in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/599587]
  • Hatzi, Georgia E. The Archaeological Museum of Olympia [Olympia in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/570531]
  • Kaltsas, Nikolaos. The National Archaeological Museum [Athens in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/579885]
  • Lilibaki-Akamati, Maria, Ioannis M. Akamatis, Anastasia Chrysostomou, Pavlos Chrysostomou  Τhe Archaeological Museum of Pella  [Pella in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/491688]
  • Papaggeli, Kalliopi. Elefsis: The Archaeological Site and the Museum [Elefsis in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/579920]
  • Steinhauer, George. The Archaeological Museum of Piraeus
  • Steinhauer, George. Marathon and the Archaeological Museum [Marathon in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/580021]
  • Trianti, Ismini. The Acropolis Museum
  • Τsakos, Konstantinos, Maria Viglaki-Sofianou. Samos: The archaeological museums. [Samos in Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/599926]

Sidestone Press e-library

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Sidestone e-library
We believe scientific information should be available at all time, at all places and to each and every one. Therefore everyone is free to browse, search and read most of our publications online in our digital library. We only ask a small fee for downloading the PDF, this helps us keeping our library running! 
Among Sidestone titles relating to antiquity are:

Leatherwork from Qasr Ibrim (Egypt). Part I: Footwear from the Ottoman Period

André J. Veldmeijer

Throughout its long history, stretching from the 25th Dynasty (c. 752-656 BC) to the Ottoman Period (c. 1500-1811 AD), Qasr Ibrim was one of the most important settlements in Egyptian Nubia. The site has produced an unprecedented wealth of material and due to the – even for Egypt – extraordinary preservation circumstances, includes objects that are made of perishable organic materials, such as wood, leather, and flax. The present volume focuses on one of these groups: footwear that is made from leather and dated to the Ottoman Period.
More Information / Buy this book

Sandals, shoes and other leatherwork from the Coptic Monastery Deir el-Bachit. Analysis and Catalogue

André J. Veldmeijer

This book contains an analysis and detailed catalogue of sandals, shoes and other leatherwork from the Coptic Monastery Deir el-Bachit. It is the largest Coptic monastery complex preserved in Western Thebes and the first monastery that has been systematically investigated. The excavation of the monastery was started as a DFG-Project des Ägyptologischen Instituts der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in close collaboration with the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo.
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Tutankhamun’s Footwear. Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear

André J. Veldmeijer

The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb by Howard Carter in 1922 is one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of all time. It took Carter and his team 10 years to clear the contents of the tomb and among the objects found was a large collection of shoes and sandals. The footwear is analysed here in detail for the first time since the discovery using Carter’s records and Harry Burton’s excellent photographs along with the author’s analyses of the objects, all of which are housed in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo and the Luxor Museum.
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Amarna’s Leatherwork. Part I. Preliminary analysis and catalogue

André J. Veldmeijer

The ancient Egyptian city of Tell el-Amarna (or Amarna, ancient Akhetaten) was the short-lived capital built by the controversial Pharaoh Akhenaten, probably the father of the famous Tutankhamun. This volume, the first of two, presents the leatherwork excavated at the site by these various expeditions. The book consists of two parts: the catalogue and the preliminary analysis.
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  • Anthropology
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Classical Archaeology Periodicals from the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg Archäologische Literatur Project

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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg Archäologische Literatur – digital

Those who subscribe the the project's feed: RSS Neuerscheinungen (RSS 2.0), will receive a steady stream of notifications of newly digitized material. What follows is the list of historic periodicals in Classical Archaeology digitized from the Sondersammelgebietes Archäologie der UB Heidelberg:
  • Amalthea oder Museum der Kunstmythologie und bildlichen Alterthumskunde
  • Annuaire de la Société Archéologique de la Province de Constantine
  • ArchaiologikÄ“ ephÄ“meris
  • Archäologie und Kunst
  • Archäologisch-epigraphische Mitteilungen aus Österreich-Ungarn
  • Atti della Società di Archeologia e Belle Arti per la Provincia di Torino
  • Bulletin trimestriel des antiquités africaines
  • Bullettino archeologico italiano
  • Bullettino archeologico Napoletano
  • Bullettino archeologico sardo ossia raccolta dei monumenti antichi in ogni genere di tutta l'isola di Sardegna
  • Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma
  • Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Archéologique
  • EphÄ“meris archaiologikÄ“
  • Hellenika. Archiv archäolog., philolog., histor. u. epigraph. Abhandlungen u. Aufsätze
  • L' ellade italica: rivista mensile illustrata della nuova scoperte di antichità nella Magna Grecia in rapporto alla storia, all'archeologia ed all'rte
  • Limesblatt
  • Mémoires de la Société des Antiquités de Cassel
  • Memorie della Regale Accademia Ercolanese di Archeologia
  • Memorie enciclopediche romane sulle belle arti, antichita etc.
  • Memorie enciclopediche sulle antichita e belle arti di Roma
  • Monumenti antichi
  • Museo italiano di antichità classica
  • Museum der Alterthumswissenschaft
  • Nouvelles annales (Section Française de l'Institut Archéologique)
  • Papers of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
  • Pompei: rivista ill. di archeologia popolare e industriale e d'arte
  • Praktika tÄ“s en AthÄ“nais ArchaiologikÄ“s Hetaireias
  • Real Museo Borbonico
  • Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine
  • Schriften der Alterthums- und Geschichtsvereine zu Baden und Donaueschingen
  • Schriften des Württembergischen Alterthums-Vereins
  • Sitzungs-Berichte der Archäologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin
  • Studi e materiali di archeologia e numismatica
  • Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Auslegung der alten Kunst

See also  Books on Classical Archaeology from the Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

And see the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Photograph Collection at the Library of Congress

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Matson (G. Eric and Edith) Photograph Collection
The G. Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection (formerly known as the "Matson Photo Service Collection") contains over 23,000 glass and film negatives, transparencies, and photographic prints, created by the American Colony Photo Department and its successor firm, the Matson Photo Service. The collection came to the Library between 1966 and 1981, through a series of gifts made by Eric Matson and his beneficiary, the Home for the Aged of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Diocese of Los Angeles (now called the Kensington Episcopal Home).

The American Colony Photo Department in Jerusalem was one of several photo services operating in the Middle East before 1900. Catering primarily to the tourist trade, the American Colony and its competitors photographed holy sites, often including costumed actors recreating Biblical scenes.

The American Colony outlasted the other services, successfully making the transition from 19th-century large-size albumen views to the smaller, less expensive picture postcard format which dominated the twentieth century. The firm’s photographers were actual residents of Palestine. Their intimate knowledge of the land and people gave them an advantage over commercial photographers who were not based in Palestine and made their coverage more comprehensive. They documented Middle East culture, history, and political events from before World War I through the collapse of Ottoman rule, the British Mandate period, World War II, and the emergence of the State of Israel.

The Matson Collection also includes images of people and locations in present-day Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, and Turkey. Additionally, the firm produced photographs from an East African trip. (For further background information on the American Colony and its Photo Department, see The American Colony and the Matson Photo Service).

This Collection:

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  • About this Collection
  • Background and Scope
  • Bibliography
  • The American Colony and the Matson Photo Service
  • Digitizing the Collection
  • Related Resources
  • Rights And Restrictions

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And see also the Abdul Hamid II Collection

Open Access Journal: Eruditio Antiqua

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 [First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 21 February 2013]

Eruditio Antiqua, revue électronique de l'érudition gréco-latine
ISSN: 2105-0791
Eruditio Antiqua est une revue électronique thématique, à comité de lecture international, dont l'objectif est de publier des travaux inédits dans les différents domaines de l'érudition gréco-latine, depuis les origines jusqu'à la période byzantine. 
Elle accueille des études sur les exégèses littéraires, la lexicographie, la grammaire, le droit, la religion, la géographie, l'historiographie, la médecine, l'astronomie, la musique, les mathématiques, les sciences naturelles...
Outre ces domaines précis, des problématiques transversales s'intègrent également dans le cadre de la revue: stratifications des savoirs, transmission, enrichissement, mais aussi polémiques scientifiques ou encore problèmes d'édition de texte. 

Cette revue s'insère dans les axes de recherches de l'UMR 5189 HiSoMA; elle est publiée avec la collaboration des services informatiques de la MOM.

La revue publiera trois formes de travaux:
- des articles proprement dits
- des actes de journées d'études ou de tables rondes
- des comptes rendus
Volume 1 (2009)Volume 2 (2010)Volume 3 (2011)Volume 4 (2012)Appel à contributions

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies.

Open Access Journal: Camenae

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[First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 21 February 2013]

ISSN : 2102-5541
La revue Camenae publie en ligne des numéros thématiques, reflétant les intérêts de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances »), c’est-à-dire l’exploration de la philosophie, de la littérature et des arts du monde romain antique, de la relation entre ces disciplines et de leur réception au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance.
Elle est placée sous les auspices des « Camènes », ces nymphes prophétiques des bois et des sources, bien vite assimilées aux Muses par les Romains et tout aussi familières aux humanistes, pour que ce titre illustre à la fois la latinité, les « nÅ“uds entre les arts » et la translatio imperii et studii, qui seront au cÅ“ur de nos préoccupations. La revue n’est pas pour autant réservée aux membres de l’Equipe, mais est au contraire heureuse d’accepter toute proposition pour des numéros construits autour d’un thème précis et conçus dans le même esprit, pour une approche de la culture classique (en latin et aussi en vulgaire) dans la pluridisciplinarité et la diachronie ; nous publions volontiers aussi le cas échéant des numéros réservés à l’Antiquité, ou au Moyen Âge ou à la Renaissance. Nous sommes également ravis de mêler, dans les numéros de Camenae, les textes de collègues chevronnés à des travaux de collègues plus jeunes. Les langues européennes les plus courantes (français, anglais, allemand, néerlandais, italien, espagnol) sont en usage pour les contributions. Les revues en lignes offrent des facilités de diffusion, une simplification relative de la logistique, la rapidité de l’information. Elles permettent au lecteur d’imprimer facilement, en format PDF non modifiable, l’article de son choix. Elles sont pourtant encore considérées avec un peu de méfiance dans le monde des lettres.
  • Camenae n°1 - janvier 2007 : Philosophie, rhétorique et poétique de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance. (Colloque des jeunes chercheurs de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances », Paris IV, juin 2006)
    remarque : Ce premier numéro "spécial" comprend exclusivement des articles des jeunes chercheurs de l’Equipe "Rome et ses renaissances" (Master 1, Master 2, doctorants et quelques docteurs récents), que nous avions réunis en colloque en juin 2006. Nous leur avons dédié la création de cette revue et nous avons été fiers d’inaugurer Camenae avec ce premier recueil, dont l’enthousiasme juvénile n’exclut ni la maîtrise, ni l’érudition.
  • Camenae n°2 - avril 2007 : Roma aeterna : voir, dire et penser Rome de l’Antiquité au XVIe siècle
  • Camenae n° 3 - novembre 2007 : Translations. Pratiques de traduction et transferts de sens à la Renaissance.
  • Camenae n° 4 - juin 2008 : sous la direction de Sandra Provini (Paris VII-TAM) : un numéro centré sur la notion d’« héroïque » dans diverses cultures
  • Camenae n° 5 - 30 novembre 2008 : sous la direction de Christine Pigné et de Virginie Leroux : un numéro centré sur la représentation du sommeil dans l’Antiquité et à la Renaissance
  • Camenae n°6 - 15 juin 2009 : sous la direction de Sarah Charbonnier et Mélanie Bost-Fiévet Nouveaux regards sur le monde des arts à la Renaissance, (séminaire Artes, rue d’Ulm)
  • Camenae n°7 - 15 octobre 2009 : sous la direction de Frédéric Nau et Florence Klein : Autoportraits de poètes : les paratopies romaines et leur postérité
  • Camenae n°8 - décembre 2010 : 1. sous la direction de Nicolas Corréard, Alice Vintenon et Christine Pigné : L’imagination/la fantaisie de l’Antiquité au XVIIe siècle. 2. sous la direction de Florent Rouillé : La poésie médiévale entre langues latine et vernaculaire
  • Camenae n°9 - juin 2011  : sous la direction de Marie-François André et Mélanie Bost-Fievet : La représentation des élites : aristocraties politiques et aristocraties intellectuelles
  • Camenae n°10 - février 2012  : sous la direction de Marion Arnaud, Manuela Diliberto et Mélanie Lucciano : La représentation : enjeux littéraires, artistiques et philosophiques, de l’antiquité au XIXe siècle
  • Camenae n°11 - avril 2012  : sous la direction de Sylvie Labarre : Présence et visages de Venance Fortunat
  • Camenae n°13 - octobre 2012  : sous la direction de Nathalie Dauvois et Michel Magnien : Horace à la Renaissance
  • Camenae n°14 - novembre 2012  : sous la direction de Susanna Gambino Longo : La géographie des humanistes

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Musician Fashion Accessories: A Person's Infinity Scarf

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fashion accessories

If perhaps you are at least one of those guys who tend on the way to drape themselves doing accessories, stop and as a result think about how many you are really actually wearing. A small number of select designer style and fashion accessories are effortlessly okay. But if customers have more as opposed to a few, you need to take a few trimmings off.

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Zimbabwe's NoViolet Bulawayo wins Caine writing prize

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Source: BBC News, 12 July 2011
NoViolet Bulawayo was born and raised in Zimbabwe and studied in the US
Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo has won this year's Caine Prize for African Writing, regarded as Africa's leading literary award.

The £10,000 ($16,000) prize was given for her story Hitting Budapest about hungry children from a shantytown who steal guavas from an upmarket suburb.

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