23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Library Client Survey 2012 - Last Week!

Every two years the Library conducts a Client Survey which asks what you like about the CSU Library, what you don't like, and what you think we could improve on.During the two years between the 2008 and 2010 surveys, satisfaction with the Library’s performance improved a lot, and you can see view the results on the website

But what have we been doing done since then? In the interest of continual improvement of our services, we've taken what scored the lowest in the last survey, and looked at new ways to improve them:

You told us:
"A computer is available when I need one"

What we've done:
  • Wagga Wagga Learning Commons and 24 hour space opened in 2012.
  • More computers available in Wagga Wagga and Bathurst Learning Commons.
  • Computer labs in Bathurst made available for casual use outside of teaching hours.

You told us:
"The Library catalogue is easy to use"

What we've done:
  • Primo Search was launched in 2012. Finding information is much simpler now that you can easily refine searches and locate journal articles along with books and other items.

You told us:
"The items I’m looking for on the Library shelves are usually there"

What we've done:
  • Consolidate large parts of the collection to make it easier to find items.
  • Expand online collections (eBooks, eJournals, etc).

You told us:
"Opening hours meet my needs"

What we've done:
  • Wagga Wagga Learning Commons and 24 hour space opened in 2012.
  • Library’s virtual services (Live Chat and 1800 number) hours have been extended to evenings and Sundays.
  • Offer extended opening hours to Subject Coordinators during residential schools.
  • Wagga Wagga and Bathurst Libraries remain open for evenings and weekends during mid-session breaks.

You told us:
"I can get wireless access in the Library when I need to"

What we've done:
  • Wireless access continually being improved by Division of Information Technology.

You told us:
"The Library website is easy to use"

What we've done:
  • Develop Library tab in new CSU Student web portal, ensuring important library information is easy to find.
  • Introduced online scavenger hunt during Orientation Week to familiarise new students with the website.
  • Redesign of the main Library website is planned.

You told us:
"Course specific resources meet my learning and research needs"

What we've done:
  • Made it simpler to create links to online articles and readings within your subject Interact sites.
  • Reviewed the subject categories for journal databases, making it easier to find appropriate databases.
  • Improved the currency and stability of links on Subject Support pages.

You told us:
"Online resources (e.g. ejournals, databases, ebooks) meet my learning and research needs"

What we've done:
  • Greatly increased our online collections, including
    • over 70,000 new eBooks;
    • new journal databases such as Proquest, WARC, OneSource;
    • video collections from Alexander Street Press; and many more.
  • Made it simpler to find online resources through Primo Search.

You told us:
"Information resources located in the Library (e.g. books, journals, DVDs) meet my learning and research needs"

What we've done:
  • Introduced trial of free return postage for distance education students within Australia.
  • Introduced postage for distance education students living outside of Australia.
  • Improved collection in Dubbo.
  • Improved microfilm equipment.
  • Improved online collection of resources.
  • Continue to develop the collection in line with teaching and research requirements.

You told us:
"The Library anticipates my learning and research needs"

What we've done:
  • Offer virtual library training through webinars and chat group sessions.
  • Improved library services to students at TAFE and other partner institutes.
  • Embedded more tutorials into subjects to ensure students know how to use library resources.

You told us:
"Library resources accessible on mobile devices"

What we've done:
  • Develop Primo Search mobile website
  • Develop mobile library website with opening hours, contact information, and journal databases with mobile interfaces.

So... with one week left in the survey period, what else should we know?

Make sure to get your entry in by Friday 28 September 2012 to be in the running to win one of four $200 prizes - just for having your say! The survey is available on the Library homepage.

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