3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

sAb Corpus Prosopographie

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sAb Corpus Prosopographie
version 4
by Etienne Vande Walle
The author provides a database (in French) of the sAb-titel during the Old Kingdom and FIP. It is in PDF-format, 349 pages, with 3 (private) photos. Suggestions and corrections are invited.
Based on this material, the author published an article (in English) about the sAb-titel in the June 2011 issue of the journal Egyptological.
Version 4 (January 2013) was a major update (over a dozen pages added).
"Le présent ouvrage a pour objet de mettre à la disposition dulecteur une banque de données basique relative aux titres sAbà l’Ancien Empire et à la Première Période Intermédiaire. Elles’articule autour de 79 titres regroupés en autant de sections,chacune d’elles contenant les occurrences du titre que j’ai purécolter.

Chaque occurrence fait l’objet d’une entrée numérotée comportantle nom du titulaire, l’époque, le lieu de la découverte(avec mention des coordonnées de la Topographical Bibliographyde Porter et Moss lorsqu’elles sont disponibles) ou la référencemuséale, une bibliographie sommaire, et la titulature dudéfunt à laquelle j’ai pu accéder.

Mon initiative a pour objet de situer sAb dans le terreau destitulatures de la période concernée afin de définir le contextedans lequel les porteurs du titre se meuvent, et de contribuerde la sorte à une meilleure préhension de leur secteur d’activitéet de leurs compétences..."

The Prosopography of Ebla Online

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 [First posted in AWOL 28 February 2011. Updated 3 January 2013]

The Prosopography of Ebla

The Prosopography of Ebla

  • Database

Studies on the Prosopography of Ebla

  • Bibliography
  • Studies on prosopography
  • List of PN
Studies on Prosopography includes links to digitized versions of the following articles:
  • Archi A. (1981) "KiÅ¡ nei testi di Ebla", SEb 4, pp. 77-87 PDF PDF (889.63 KB)
  • Archi A. (1985) "Les noms de personnes mariotes à Ebla (IIIème millénaire)", MARI 4, pp. 53-58  PDF PDF (149.37 KB)
  • Archi A. (1986) "Varianti grafiche negli antroponimi di Ebla", VO 6, pp. 243-248  PDF PDF (236.13 KB)
  • Archi A. (1992) "Integrazioni alla prosopografia dei "danzatori", ne-di, di Ebla", VO 8, pp. 189-198  PDF PDF (322.11 KB)
  • Archi A. (1996) "Chronologie relative des archives d'Ebla", Amurru 1, pp. 11-28 PDF PDF (832.33 KB)
  • Archi A. (1996) "Eblaita pashishu: colui che è addetto all'unzione", VO 10, pp. 37-71 PDF PDF (236.68 KB)
  • Archi A. (1996) "Les comptes rendus annuels de métaux (CAM)", Amurru 1, pp. 73-79 PDF PDF (1.05 MB)
  • Archi A. (1996) "Les femmes du roi Irkab-damu", Amurru 1, pp 101-124 PDF PDF (144.62 KB)
  • Archi A. (2000) "The lords, lugal-lugal, of Ebla", VO 12, pp. 19-58 PDF PDF (248.34 KB)
  • Archi A. (2001) "The King-Lists from Ebla", in Actes 45 RAI, pp. 1-13 PDF PDF (691.87 KB)
  • Biga M. G. (1987) "Femmes de la famille royale d'Ebla", in Actes 33 RAI, pp. 41-47 PDF PDF (439.85 KB)
  • Biga M. G. - Pomponio F. (1993) "Critères de rédaction comptable et chronologie relative des textes d'Ebla", MARI 7, pp. 107-128 PDF PDF (1.11 MB)
  • Catagnoti A. (1989) "I NE.DI nei testi amministrativi degli archivi di Ebla", MisEb 2, pp. 149-201 PDF PDF (3.97 MB)
  • Fronzaroli P. (1987) "La formation des noms personnels féminins à Ebla", in Actes 33 RAI, pp. 63-73 PDF PDF (361.57 KB)
  • Steinkeller P. (1993) "Observations on the Sumerian Personal Names in Ebla Sources...", in Fs Hallo , pp. 236-245 PDF PDF (780.02 KB)
  • Tonietti M.V. (1989) "Aggiornamento alla cronologia dei NAR", QuSem 16 - MisEb 2, pp. 117-129 PDF PDF (828.22 KB)

Zimbabwe's NoViolet Bulawayo wins Caine writing prize

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Source: BBC News, 12 July 2011
NoViolet Bulawayo was born and raised in Zimbabwe and studied in the US
Zimbabwean writer NoViolet Bulawayo has won this year's Caine Prize for African Writing, regarded as Africa's leading literary award.

The £10,000 ($16,000) prize was given for her story Hitting Budapest about hungry children from a shantytown who steal guavas from an upmarket suburb.

Full article

An A - W of video collections : from Architecture to Women's Studies

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Alexander Street Press video collections

CSU Library has completed the acquisition of a major resource which consists of 23 separate streaming-video collections, covering a huge range of subjects from Criminal Justice to Education, from Business & Economics to Health & Society, from Art & Architecture to Women's & Gender Studies.

You can access these collections from the Journal Databases webpage, where they are listed under title and also under the relevant subject heading(s). You can search and browse for video material. Transcripts, and tools to assist with using the videos for educational purposes, are also available.

These collections are also available in a single resource known as Academic Video Online, also called Alexander Street Video, where you can see all the collections in a single list, and make a choice from the list.

Dental Education in Video

The Library is currently running a trial of another education and training video collection - Dental Education in Video, also provided by Alexander Street Press. We have decided to purchase this collection, which will increase the number of Alexander Street Press video collections to 24.

Musician Fashion Accessories: A Person's Infinity Scarf

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fashion accessories

If perhaps you are at least one of those guys who tend on the way to drape themselves doing accessories, stop and as a result think about how many you are really actually wearing. A small number of select designer style and fashion accessories are effortlessly okay. But if customers have more as opposed to a few, you need to take a few trimmings off.

All of the fashion industry gets been always recognised for changing model trends and creating new lifestyle drawings. When looking for their supplier you obviously look for a definite wholesaler who has the potential to offer you my hottest trends in view that well as a classic jewelry, the wholesale supplier or even distributor that will observe up a market research and seasons trends in go to the blogger who wrote it here.

Personally, I like - buy them from online store. That basically because there are typically offer affordable as well as the discount eyeglasses. Besides, these products are various living in many styles. Thanks so that you the bloom relating to optical industry, a lot and more via the internet eyeglasses, sunglasses in fashionable styles delivery to customers by a low price level. This kind of brings great benefit to people who really have fewer amounts of money.

You see, the fashion accessories that typically contain all related to the fashionable articles like fashionable shoes, handbags, jewelry and consequently also some dressy outfits are knowledgeable to create their elegance effect in overall fashion policy for both men and girls. The most of of the in vogue accessories comprise behind all those items that enhance your current visual effects so as to an look or perhaps a dressing. The fashion essentials are often located in quite too expensive materials like silver gold, diamond maybe even platinum.

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2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Open Access Journal: Empúries: revista de món clàssic i antiguitat tardana

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[First posted in AWOL 2 July 2009. Updated 30 December 2012]

Empúries: revista de món clàssic i antiguitat tardana
ISSN 0213-9278
Empúries (ISSN 0213-9278) és una publicació bianual del Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, que publica, des de l'any 1939, treballs científics de recerca generals sobre el món clàssic i l'antiguitat tardana de Catalunya i de la Mediterrània occidental fins l'alta edat mitjana. La revista desenvolupa una secció de tema monogràfic, amb articles de profunditat, tipus assaig o de síntesi; una d'estudis, amb articles d'assaig o de síntesi, analítics o concrets, de tema lliure i una secció amb ressenyes bibliogràfiques.

Fins l'any 1983 el títol era Ampúrias (ISSN 0212-0909)


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2007: Núm.: 55


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2005: Núm.: 54


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2002: Núm.: 53


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2000: Núm.: 52


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1998: Núm.: 51


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1986: Núm.: 48-50 (1986-1989) Vol.: I

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1986: Núm.: 48-50 (1986-1989) Vol.: II


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1985: Núm.: 47


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1983: Núm.: 45-46 (1983-1984)


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1982: Núm.: 44


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1981: Núm.: 43


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1979: Núm.: 41-42 (1979-1980)


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1976: Núm.: 38-40 (1976-78)


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1974: Núm.: 36-37 (1974-1975)


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1973: Núm.: 35


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1971: Núm.: 33-34 (1971-72)


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1969: Núm.: 31-32 (1969-1970)


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1968: Núm.: 30


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1967: Núm.: 29


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1966: Núm.: 28


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1964: Núm.: 26-27 (1964-1965)


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1963: Núm.: 25


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1962: Núm.: 24


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1960: Núm.: 22-23 (1960-1961)


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1959: Núm.: 21


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1957: Núm.: 19-20 (1957-1958)


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1955: Núm.: 17-18 (1955-1956)


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1953: Núm.: 15-16 (1953-1954)


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1952: Núm.: 14


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1951: Núm.: 13


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1950: Núm.: 12


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1949: Núm.: 11


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1947: Núm.: 9-10 (1947-1948)


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1945: Núm.: 7-8 (1945-1946)


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1944: Núm.: 6


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1943: Núm.: 5


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1942: Núm.: 4


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1941: Núm.: 3


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1940: Núm.: 2


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1939: Núm.: 1

 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies